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Turgo Turbine with Double Nozzles

Turgo turbine of double nozzles whose capacity is above 800kW usually is used for huge water flow and medium to high water head.They have advantages like reliable structure, small size, high efficiency and less investment, etc. Turgo turbines are composed of runners and nozzles mainly. When...

Product Details

Turgo turbine of double nozzles whose capacity is above 800kW usually is used for huge water flow and medium to high water head.They have advantages like reliable structure, small size, high efficiency and less investment, etc. Turgo turbines are composed of runners and nozzles mainly.

When Turgo turbine works, the water flows through the nozzle from the pressure pipe to form a high-speed jet. The jet impacts the runner blade in the direction of 22.5° with turbine runner.After power generation, water flows out from the outlet side of runner blade and is discharged to the downstream along draft tubes.

Turgo turbines manufactured by Boland can be used for water head from 55m to 200m, the diameter of the runner is from 0.32m to 0.63m, and the installed capacity of a single unit is from 70KW to 1,500KW.

Turgo Turbine
Turgo Turbine
Turgo Turbine
Turgo Turbine

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