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Horizontal Pelton Turbine Above 800kW

Horizontal Pelton turbine above 800kW is the best election for high head and small discharge hydraulic power resources.They have the structure of 1 nozzle,2 nozzles. Pelton turbines have high weighted average efficiency,which can obtain high efficiency in the whole operating range.Also they own...

Product Details

Horizontal Pelton turbine above 800kW is the best election for high head and small discharge hydraulic power resources.They have the structure of 1 nozzle,2 nozzles.

Pelton turbines have high weighted average efficiency,which can obtain high efficiency in the whole operating range.Also they own strong ability in the adjustment of water head variation.The excavation work required is light,so that less investment may be taken.

Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine

Basic parameters:

Available water head:80m to 1200m

Runner diameter:0.45m to 2.5m

Installed capacity:50kW to 50MW

Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine


Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine

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