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Ветряная электростанция --- Ветряная электростанция Хуомулян

Project capacity:   Huomuliang wind farm  49.5MW

Installation: 15 units * 3300KW

Location:Lijiang City, Yunnan Province

Date:2020.12.14  completion of power generation

PPA term:25 years


Ветряная электростанция Хуомулян


Project capacity:   Huomuliang wind farm  49.5MW

Installation: 15 units * 3300KW

Location:Lijiang City, Yunnan Province

Date:2020.12.14  completion of power generation

PPA term:25 years


Боланд сервис


Boland can do EM service,power plant EPC service,power plant investment and acquisition.

Boland's range of services and cooperation models:

1)Wind turbine manufacturing and wind resource development investment.

2)Design and construction of photovoltaic power plants and investment in photovoltaic resource development.

3)Energy storage solution design and complementary wind&solar&energy storage solution design.




Huomuliang Wind Farm is located in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, total installed capacity of 49.5MW, the equipped with 15 WT3300D146 units developed by CRRC, with a single unit capacity of 3300KW and an impeller diameter of 146m.

The unit integrates the original ground box transformer into a nacelle module, making it the first domestic onshore wind turbine to apply the top-mounted structure of the box transformer. The project uses large-capacity units, effectively reducing the project footprint and significantly improving power generation efficiency.


Фото растений

Ветряная электростанция Хуомулян
Ветряная электростанция Хуомулян



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