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Get to know China's wind farms ------ Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind Farm


The year 2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year. While the madness of the installation came to an end, our wind turbines also "went crazy" for a year, with good news from Dongchuan Yoniu wind farm invested by Guotou Power Yunnan - the annual power generation hours exceeded 4,100h, ranking among the top three in Yunnan.

Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind Farm
Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind Farm

Current status

High power generation hours are not unusual, as there is a wind resource involved here, and the Dongchuan Bison Wind Farm has resulted in three consecutive years of continuous growth in the wind farm's power generation hours, from 3,200 hours, to 3,800 hours, to 4,100 hours in 2020. The three consecutive years of growth in power generation hours prove the quality, reliability and output of the turbines with real results.

Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind Farm
Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind Farm

Wind turbine reliability and lean O&M services, and the wind turbine supplier for this wind farm is Shanghai Electric, which has risen to fourth in 2020 (onshore, domestic ranking) from sixth in consecutive years.

High reliability of wind turbines is a core factor for the continued growth of wind farm power generation With the National Energy Board's 2020 proposed subsidy time limit policy for wind farms.How to improve the power generation beyond the time limit has become an important consideration indicator for the old wind farms to improve quality and efficiency.

Get to know China's wind farms ------ Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind Farm
Get to know China's wind farms ------ Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind Farm

Construction process.

A total of 48 Shanghai Electric 2MW doubly-fed pitch wind turbines were installed at Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind Farm Phases I and II, all of which were connected to the grid on 22 August 2017 and successfully entered the warranty period on 26 December 2017 after passing the 240-hour trouble-free operation acceptance.

Time has proven that the Shanghai Electric wind turbines have generated 20% more electricity than other units in the same area for several years in a row under the same conditions at this wind farm.

Get to know China's wind farms ------ Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind Farm
Get to know China's wind farms ------ Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind Farm

It should be explained that the Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind Farm is located in the village of Wild Cow, Tongdudu Town, southeast of Dongchuan District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, with an average altitude of 3,200 metres above sea level at the top of the wind farm's ridge, belonging to a high mountain valley landscape, warm temperate mountain monsoon humid climate.

The harsh environment of freezing, fog and lack of oxygen places high demands on the operation of the wind turbines, both in windy and windy years, and the reliability of the turbines is an important guarantee of high power generation.

From the statistics of the past three years, the turbine availability for three consecutive years reached more than 99.5%. It has to be said that the high reliability of the configuration and design of Shanghai Electric's wind turbines is what makes them stand out in the same competition of wind farms in Yunnan.



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Get to know China's wind farms ------Dongchuan Wild Cow Wind FarmHebei Shuiquan Wind Farm 

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