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Boland Factory Hydro Turbine 100KW Pelton Turbine

The speed of water inflow of the Boland Factory 100KW Pelton Turbine remains unchanged under load impact. In addition, this type of turbine is used in high-head workstations. The head change is relatively small, the speed is not large, the impact of the relative absorption load change is small, the efficiency curve is relatively flat, and the highest efficiency More than 91%.

The speed of water inflow of the Boland Factory 100KW Pelton Turbine remains unchanged under load impact. In addition, this type of turbine is used in high-head workstations. The head change is relatively small, the speed is not large, the impact of the relative absorption load change is small, the efficiency curve is relatively flat, and the highest efficiency More than 91%.

Characteristics of  Boland Factory 100KW Pelton Turbine

        1.Impulsive type

  1. High head 80-800m
  2. With one or multile nozzles
  3. capacity:100KW-50MW

Parameter table of Boland Factory 100KW Pelton Turbine

Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine

Schematic diagram of the water flow of the Boland Factory 100KW Pelton Turbine.

The flow direction of the impulse turbine can be divided into three types: Pelton, Inclined-jet Turbine and Cross-flow turbine. However, due to the low power generation efficiency, Cross-flow turbine has been eliminated in the Chinese market. At present, the Pelton turbine and Inclined-jet turbine are the main ones. Among them, the Pelton turbine is more common.

Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine

Pelton turbine, the tangential direction impact of the water jet from the surface of the runner attack on the bucket. It was proposed by the American Ye Peelton in 1889. It is also a Peelton-type turbine. The applicable water head range is 40~2000m, especially for ultra-high water head. The largest single output abroad has reached 400,000 kilowatts. It is the most widely used type of impulse turbine.Boland Factory 100KW Pelton Turbine is a small impulse turbine.


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