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Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station


Xinjiang Hami wind station power base is China's 2 million kilowatts wind power development base built in August 2010 in southeastern Hami, from the resource reserves, Xinjiang wind energy resources total reserves of about 890 million kilowatts, a total area of 78,000 square kilometers, technical development of about 120 million kilowatts, is one of China's onshore wind energy resource-rich provinces and regions.

Three of the nine major wind areas in Xinjiang are located in the Hami region, with a total area of 51,600 square kilometers and a technical development of 75,498,000 kilowatts, accounting for 66.3% and 62.9% of the territory, respectively. For this reason, the Hami region was identified by the state as one of the eight 10 million kilowatt wind power bases.

Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station
Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station

Development Advantages

Xinjiang Hami Wind Station have many advantages.

Resource advantages.:The survey shows that Xinjiang wind energy resources are of good quality, wind frequency distribution is more reasonable, wind power density is 2 to 3 times of other regions, and has high development value.

Among the three wind areas in Hami region, the area of wind power density reaching 150 watts/m2 and its technical development are more than 60% of the total area in Xinjiang, which has absolute advantage in terms of resource quality and total amount. At the same time, Hami area has rich resource endowment advantages of coal and light energy, and the effective complementation between coal power, wind power and PV grid-connected power generation will provide more stable electric power.

Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station
Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station

Wind power technology advances and cost advantages. With the progress of wind power technology, China's mainstream wind power models are gradually becoming larger and more intelligent. The 2 million kilowatt concession project in southeastern Hami won the bid for two models of 2.5 MW and 3 MW, and the increase in individual capacity has improved operational efficiency and stability.

Due to technical progress and scale effect, the price of wind turbines has dropped to about 4,000 yuan/kW. The wind energy resources in the Hami region are of high quality, and wind power development enjoys preferential policies such as 50% reduction in value-added tax, "three exemptions and three reductions" in income tax, and input tax credits for investment in fixed assets. Compared to the benchmark price of 0.58 yuan/kWh, the cost advantage of wind power in Hami is relatively obvious.

Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station
Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station

Major Challenges

Capacity construction and grid access fit are not high. From the power transmission backbone network construction and existing transmission network situation, Hami wind power delivery channel backbone network capacity and access capacity to meet the requirements, but in the short term, the wind farm access substation and transmission network construction progress lags behind the wind farm construction progress, will cause some wind farms completed and can not be connected to the grid.

Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station
Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station

Industrial orientation needs to be optimized. The existing wind power industry policy implements a fixed benchmark tariff system, grid companies must acquire the full amount of electricity from wind power companies, and wind power companies enjoy priority dispatching rights. While these policies support the development of the wind power industry, they also weaken the enthusiasm of wind power companies to improve the quality of power generation.

For regions with high wind power quality like Hami, the inability to obtain compensation for quality from differential pricing is not conducive to the elimination of the best and the improvement of the overall competitiveness of the industry.

Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station
Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station


Xinjiang is an important strategic energy replacement area in China, which is rich not only in fossil energy sources such as oil and coal, but also in clean energy sources such as wind power. As the most mature renewable and clean energy source with the potential for large-scale development and commercialization, wind power has an outstanding role in reducing greenhouse gases, protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development, and has been incorporated into China's national development strategy.

Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station
Get to know China's wind farms ------Xinjiang Hami Wind Station

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