Introduction of Get to know China's wind farms ------ Gansu Jiuquan Wind Power Base
Gansu Jiuquan wind power base is the first 10 million wind power base start-up project in China.
After the completion of the project, it will save 250,000 tons of standard coal per year, reduce 8,071 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions, 2,290 tons of nitrogen dioxide emissions, 427,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, 58 tons of carbon monoxide emissions, 454,000 tons of soot emissions, and reduce water consumption by 12,300 tons, which will have a positive effect on improving the atmospheric environment.
At the same time, the project construction can also increase local tax revenue, promote employment, play an important role in improving the local economy and has good social benefits.

Gansu Jiuquan Wind Power Base is a 10 million kilowatt wind power base located in Jiuquan City, Gansu Province.
Gansu Jiuquan wind power development model is different from both the existing domestic wind power development model and the existing foreign wind power development model. Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, with the rapid development of China's economy, energy demand is also increasing rapidly.

More than 40% of the world's new energy demand comes from China, and China has become the world's second largest energy consumer after the United States. By 2007, half of domestic oil demand relied on imports, and coal had been transformed from a traditional export product to a net import.
Geographic location.
The project site is located in Jiuquan City, Gansu Province, southwest of the town of Yumen on the Gobi beach, flat and open terrain, good engineering and geological conditions, transportation and water and electricity conditions are available, suitable for the construction of large wind farms.
The project site is located in good wind energy resources, wind farm representative year 70 meters high annual average wind speed of 7.89 m / s, the annual average wind power density of 427.5 watts / square meter.

Gansu Province is one of the richer provinces and regions in China in terms of wind energy resources, with a theoretical reserve of 237GW and the fifth largest total wind energy reserve in China.
The wind energy resources in Gansu Province are mainly concentrated in the Jiuquan area, and the wind energy development and utilization of the Jiuquan wind power base is mainly concentrated in the three areas of Yumen, Guazhou and Mahaishan.
The wind speed in these three regions is mainly concentrated in the range of 4.0-12.0 m/s, with an annual average wind speed of 5.0-6.5 m/s and a wind energy density of more than 150 W/m2 .

By the end of 2008, the installed capacity of wind power in Jiuquan, Gansu had reached 508.6 MW, including 300 MW in Guazhou and 208.6 MW in Yumen, and the installed capacity of Jiuquan wind power base in Gansu was 5,160 MW by the end of 2010, and 12,710 MW by 2015. This will increase to more than 20,000 MW in 2020 and 30,000 MW after 2020: thus the huge installed capacity is the basic feature of the Gansu Jiuquan wind power base.
The average distance from the load center of Lanzhou is about 900 km for the Yumen Wind Power Group, about 1,000 km for the Guazhou Wind Power Group, about 1,100 km for the Mahaishan Wind Power Group, and about 1,000 km for the Jiuquan Wind Power Group.

The average distance to the load center is even farther, with more than 1,000 km to the load center being the farthest distance known for wind farms.
Considering the 12 710 MW of wind power that must be consumed in the national power market in 2015, the distance from the load center is even further, so the farthest distance from the load center and the longest transmission line are the basic characteristics of the Jiuquan wind power base in Gansu.
In order to meet the needs of wind power transmission, all wind power projects in Gansu Jiuquan wind power base should be connected to the system directly or indirectly through 750 kV voltage level, considering that 12 710 MW wind power must be consumed in the national power market in 2015, which requires the construction of UHV DC transmission projects with higher voltage level.

Jiuquan wind power base in Gansu has the highest voltage level of wind power access system in the world, and the construction scale and investment of the transmission project is the largest in the world.
The development mode of Jiuquan 10 million kilowatt wind power base with ultra-large scale centralized development and ultra-long distance transmission breaks through the existing wind power development theories at home and abroad, innovates the concept of wind power development, and provides a new choice of opportunity for the world wind power development.
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Get to know China's wind farms ------ Gansu Jiuquan Wind Power Base