केन्या 2030 तक 100% स्वच्छ ऊर्जा उत्पादन हासिल करने के लिए
As Kenya continues to increase the proportion of clean energy generation, the stability of electricity supply is receiving more and more attention. Recently, a number of local independent power producers urged the use of battery storage systems to ensure the stability of power supply, and smoothly achieve the goal of "100% clean energy generation by 2030".

Development of energy storage facilities to enhance the stability of power supply
Recently, Kenya's state-controlled Kenya Power and Light Company (KenyaPower, hereinafter referred to as Kenya Power) announced that it will develop a battery storage system to store electricity generated by wind and solar power plants during off-peak hours, and then use the stored electricity during peak periods. The move is intended to further enhance the stability of power supply and help clean energy generation to further replace expensive thermal power generation.
Kenya Power said it expects the first battery storage system with a capacity of 100 megawatts to be in operation by 2024, and will gradually increase to 250 megawatts thereafter.
As Kenya uses more power plants with intermittent energy sources such as wind and solar, the demand for energy storage in Kenya's power system is becoming more robust. Wind and solar energy can not achieve full time power generation and supply due to natural limitations, so it is difficult to ensure the stability of electricity for customers.

According to George Aruru, Chairman of the Kenya Electricity Industry Association, "Battery storage systems will ensure the provision of more reliable, clean and sustainable electricity. It will help integrate more renewable energy sources and manage the grid efficiently while creating economic opportunities."
"The increased share of clean energy generation is placing new demands on the power system, and the construction of energy storage facilities is imminent." Kenya Power's power system planning manager, Irastus Kirua, said, "Wind farms tend to see a peak in generation at night, when it's not peak electricity consumption. So we will charge the batteries at this time and release the energy storage when the electricity consumption peaks."
Killua described a World Bank-funded study being conducted by Kenya Power that will measure the cost of energy storage plants as well as determine the final location of the plants.

Achieving 100 % clean energy generation by 2030
Speaking at the inaugural Manufacturers, Technology and Innovation Expo hosted by Kenya Power on July 6, Kenya's Minister of Energy and Petroleum Monica Juma said Kenya is taking steps to provide clean, affordable and sustainable energy to power the country's growth.
"By 2030, Kenya will achieve 100 percent clean energy generation, thereby achieving carbon neutrality, in line with the 'Sustainable Development Goal of Clean Energy for All' (SDG7) advocated by the United Nations," Juma said. Renewable energy currently accounts for 73 percent of Kenya's installed power generation capacity, 90 percent of which comes from green energy sources, including geothermal, wind, solar and hydropower.
Wind and solar have a relatively small share of installed capacity, at 15 percent (435 megawatts) and 2 percent (51 megawatts), respectively. It is expected that the share of wind and solar energy will continue to grow, possibly resulting in excess power generation during off-peak hours and increasing the intermittent capacity of the national grid. Therefore, significant development of energy storage is imperative.

In 2020, Kenya invested 15 billion shillings in Meru County to pilot an 80 MW renewable energy project equipped with a battery storage system to generate electricity mainly from a combination of wind and solar energy. The project is being developed by Meru County Government, Australian wind energy developer Windlab and Japanese energy developer Eurus Energy.
Last year, Kenya's Ministry of Energy and Petroleum released its Least Cost Power Development Plan (LCPDP) for 2021-2030. The plan shows that battery energy storage systems will be integrated into the national grid and used in conjunction with supporting renewable energy technologies.
Battery storage systems feature prominently in the generation capacity expansion plan, which includes the integration of 50 MW of battery storage systems into the generation portfolio in 2022, increasing to 250 MW by 2026.
Currently, the Kenyan Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya Power, and USAID have developed a roadmap for collaboration on battery energy storage systems. Several U.S. companies are considering entering the Kenyan energy storage market and have been in further discussions with the Kenyan Ministry of Energy and Petroleum and Kenya Power.
Kenya Power believes that more than 480 MW of battery energy storage systems will be needed throughout Kenya in the future to help address frequency regulation, load shifting, voltage stability, and network reliability related issues on its national grid.
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बोलैंड एक नई ऊर्जा और बिजली कंपनी है जो आपको उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले एकीकृत पवन और सौर और भंडारण प्रणाली समाधान प्रदान करने के लिए पनबिजली, पवन ऊर्जा, सौर ऊर्जा और भंडारण बैटरी को जोड़ती है। बोलैंड का साझेदार CRRC है, जिसे चीन में हाई स्पीड रेल परियोजनाओं के लिए अनुबंधित किया गया है, और हमारे पास अपेक्षाकृत पूर्ण आंतरिक आपूर्ति श्रृंखला, सेवा नेटवर्क और उत्कृष्ट उत्पाद गुणवत्ता और प्रौद्योगिकी है।
बोलैंड पावर प्लांट ईपीसी, पावर प्लांट निवेश और अधिग्रहण प्रदान करें।
यदि आपको किसी तकनीकी सहायता की आवश्यकता है तो कृपया हमसे बेझिझक संपर्क करें।
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