Jiangsu is located in a region rich in wind energy resources in China, and the coastal and especially offshore waters are even richer in wind energy resources, creating a huge space for large-scale, ultra-large-scale offshore wind power development.

The current situation and development
Jiangsu is located in the country's wind energy resources rich area, wind energy resources distribution from the coast to the inland decreasing, the coast, especially offshore sea wind energy resources are more abundant, while inland areas are relatively poor wind energy resources.

Among them, offshore wind energy resources are the most abundant in the East and West of the island area; coastal areas, the Yangtze River Delta, the two sides of the Huai River, Hongze Lake, the eastern part of Gaoyou Lake and the southeastern swampy area, the eastern part of Taihu Lake, wind energy is also more abundant; onshore wind energy resources are mainly in the coastal mudflats.

After deducting the low wind power density, which has no development value and has been developed or planned to be developed as a park or port area, Jiangsu has a developable capacity of 3 million kW for onshore wind power and 10 million kW for offshore wind power in the near future and 30 million kW in the long term, making a total of 43 million kW.
It is clear that Jiangsu's wind energy resources are offshore, and offshore wind energy has great potential for development.
Through a comprehensive analysis of wind energy resources, grid conditions, transport and environmental factors, except for the east and west of the island area due to the traffic installation conditions are not available to build large wind farms, other coastal areas of Qidong, Tongzhou, Rudong, Dongtai, Dafeng, Sheyang, Binhai, Ringshui, Ganyu and southeast of Hongze Lake, the eastern part of Taihu Lake are very high potential for development.
The 24,000 square kilometres of shallow radiating sandbars from the Sheyang River to the mouth of the Yangtze River offer comprehensive conditions for the development of large-scale wind farms.
Jiangsu wind power base
The construction of large-scale off-grid wind power industrial bases is of strategic importance to accelerate the alleviation of energy constraints on the development of high energy-carrying industries.
promote the industrialisation of off-grid wind power and expand the application areas of off-grid wind power.It is important to further extend the "off-grid wind power - high energy industry" industrial chain.
Continuously enrich its industrial content, expand its industrial coverage and diversify its industrial functions to form a new situation of industrial development with a reasonable layout and perfect functions.
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