Le Danemark développe un projet hybride éolien-solaire
Eurowind Energy is building wind-solar capacity at five onshore energy centers and is also considering hydrogen electrolysis. Each site will include battery storage to provide grid services, the company revealed.
Danish renewable energy company Eurowind Energy has announced plans to combine solar and wind turbines at five sites.
Several of the identified "energy centers" already have turbines. The company said it will also add battery storage and hydrogen production facilities, and possibly hydrogen refining and biogas facilities.
The company said it has submitted a planning application to install solar panels and deploy 26 wind turbines on 700 hectares of land at Energipark Overgaard in Randers. The site is the largest onshore wind farm in Denmark, according to Eurowind.
Based on German 2020 prices, the 700-hectare site could accommodate about 630 MW of solar power capacity. The developer has also acquired 375 hectares from landowners for solar development at Energipark in Aalborg. The company said it is also including a solar component in the plans for its NørrekærEnge II site in West Himmerland.
CEO Jens Rasmussen says: "Solar photovoltaics and wind turbines have always been the starting point for us. The resulting green power is used in other parts of the energy center. This part is already in place. We are also working with battery technology companies, as this allows us to provide balancing services to the grid. We have tested the batteries and will do some tests at our facility in Greenlab Skive."
Eurowind also quoted Rasmussen as saying that the company sees "electrolysis as a part of all energy centers and medium-sized energy parks." The company also claims it is "relatively advanced" in introducing electrotoxic technology to the project.
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Boland est une nouvelle société d'énergie et d'électricité qui combine l'énergie hydroélectrique, l'énergie éolienne, l'énergie solaire et les batteries de stockage pour vous fournir des solutions intégrées de systèmes éoliens, solaires et de stockage de haute qualité. Le partenaire de Boland est CRRC, qui a été engagé pour des projets ferroviaires à grande vitesse en Chine, et nous avons une chaîne d'approvisionnement interne relativement complète, un réseau de services et une excellente qualité de produit et technologie.
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