يمكن للوحة شمسية واحدة أن تعوض انبعاثات الكربون من 10 أشجار
A full-grown tree sequesters 48.5 pounds of carbon per year, and comparing this general average to the 0.85 pounds of carbon emissions per kWh of solar power offset, it is clear that removing some trees is acceptable from an emissions perspective.
Is it worth cutting down a tree to install solar panels? This complex issue must consider carbon emissions, as well as the sustainability and value of nature.An analysis by the European Commission for the Environment suggests that a single tree will sequester 22 kilograms (48.5 pounds) of carbon in its physical structure each year until 3 trillion trees die and release the carbon as methane.
With 100 to 400 trees within each acre of mature forest, between 4,850 and 19,400 pounds of carbon are sequestered per acre per year. Keep in mind that these carbon sequestration figures apply only to mature trees with intact trunks. Shrubs and saplings capture a fraction of the carbon of large mature trees, which is an important factor to consider when deciding whether to cut down a tree.
Keep in mind that these carbon sequestration data apply only to mature trees with intact trunks. Shrubs and saplings capture a fraction of the carbon of large mature trees, which is an important factor to consider when deciding whether to cut a tree.
When looking at the value of carbon emission offsets generated by solar installations, the results depend on the differences in the way each region generates electricity and the time period over which it is generated.
Hydroelectric power, which supplies most of the electricity in upstate New York, is much cleaner than coal plants, which supply about half of Nebraska's electricity, so the latter's solar installations offset much larger emissions than equivalent installations located north of the former.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration, the nationwide average of 0.85 pounds of carbon dioxide is emitted for every degree of electricity generated. Therefore, an average 400 W solar panel generating 1.5 kWh per watt per year* would offset 510 pounds of CO2 emissions.* The output of solar panels varies greatly by geographic region - panels installed in the south can produce more electricity than those in the north.
One solar panel offsets the carbon emissions of more than ten mature trees. An average residential solar installation of about 7,000 W can offset the carbon emissions of more than 180 trees. An acre of solar panels with an installed capacity of 250,000 W can offset more carbon emissions than 6,500 trees.
Thus, if based on carbon emissions alone, just one residential solar installation is more valuable than a few trees. And an acre of dense solar panels offsets at least 16 to 65 times more carbon emissions than the same area of forest.
Another encouraging fact is that carbon emission offset values are not the end result of offsetting emissions from solar facilities. Solar facilities installed on well-managed carbon sequestered land may eventually generate additional carbon offsets.
For example, analysis shows that an acre of native forage plants beneath a solar facility may improve the soil at a rate of 1 ton of carbon sequestration per year, and carbon and other nutrients may accumulate for 12 to 15 years until the soil is fully saturated.
The researchers modeled prairie grasses in the Upper Midwest of the United States and found that native grass species that are part of a 10 GW solar power capacity sequester 129.3 tons of carbon per hectare; this is 65% and 35% more than the agricultural tillage or solar-turf scenarios, respectively.
So while it is true that we need large areas of uninterrupted connected nature in order to build a healthy environment that will support human survival in the next millennium, it is also true that cutting down some trees under certain circumstances provides a net benefit in terms of emissions reductions.
إخلاء المسؤولية: المحتوى أعلاه هو للإشارة فقط ولا نضمن دقة وصدق واكتمال وصلاحية وتوقيت كل المقالة أو جزء منها (بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر النص والبيانات والرسوم البيانية). أغراض تجارية محظورة. لأغراض غير تجارية ، يرجى الاتصال بنا. يرجى الاحتفاظ بمعلومات مثل المؤلف الأصلي للمقالة عند إعادة الطباعة ، ويجب أن يكون المحتوى متسقًا تمامًا مع هذه المقالة ولا يجب تعديل / استبدال / إضافة أو طرح أي نص وارد في هذه المقالة ، أو إضافة عناوين فرعية ، اقتباسات ، ملخصات ، إلخ. . بدون إستئذان. يحظر مقتطفات ومشتقات وتفسيرات لجميع المحتويات المنشورة على هذا الموقع. ينطبق هذا البيان على جميع المعلومات المنشورة على هذا الموقع
Boland هي شركة جديدة للطاقة والطاقة تجمع بين الطاقة المائية وطاقة الرياح والطاقة الشمسية وبطاريات التخزين لتزويدك بحلول متكاملة عالية الجودة لطاقة الرياح والطاقة الشمسية وأنظمة التخزين. شريك Boland هو CRRC ، التي تم التعاقد معها لمشاريع السكك الحديدية عالية السرعة في الصين ، ولدينا سلسلة إمداد داخلية كاملة نسبيًا ، وشبكة خدمات ، وجودة وتقنية ممتازة للمنتج.
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