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Solar Power Meets 25% of Netherlands Electricity Demand in August

Solar Power Meets 25% of Netherlands Electricity Demand in August

Solar energy, the thermal radiation energy of the sun, is mainly manifested in what is often referred to as the sun's rays. In modern times it is generally used to generate electricity or to provide energy for water heating. In the case of decreasing fossil fuels, solar energy has become an important part of human use of energy, and continue to develop. Solar energy is used in two ways: photothermal conversion and photoelectric conversion, and solar power is an emerging renewable energy source.

Solar power generation in the Netherlands performed well in August, mainly due to increased solar energy, increased generation capacity and lower energy demand.

Netherlands Electricity Analysis Chart
Netherlands Electricity Analysis Chart(Solar Power Meets 25% of Netherlands Electricity Demand in August)

According to the latest figures released by Energieopwek.nl, solar power generation in the Netherlands met around 25.5% of the country's total electricity demand in August this year. Energieopwek.nl is controlled by a consortium consisting of Hanseatic University of Groningen, Tennet, Gasunie and Netbeheer Nederland.

The increase in the share of solar energy is caused by three main factors: an increase in the number of PV facilities online throughout the year; a decrease in electricity demand; and an increase in sunshine hours. According to Energieopwek.nl, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) recorded 289 hours of sunshine in August, compared to a monthly average of 205 hours for the year. August was the second sunniest month on record.

Netherlands Electricity Analysis Chart
Netherlands Electricity Analysis Chart(Solar Power Meets 25% of Netherlands Electricity Demand in August)

In August, solar power was the second largest source of electricity after "conventional energy" (which met 51.9% of demand). The third largest source of electricity was biomass (12.3%), followed by onshore wind (5.6%) and offshore wind (4.5%). Hydropower has the lowest share, at 0.1%.

solar farm
Solar Power Meets 25% of Netherlands Electricity Demand in August

Combined, the share of renewables is 48%, compared to 42% in August 2021. The French climate agreement (Klimaatakkoord) sets a target of 70% of renewable energy by 2030.

Data from the Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics shows that the cumulative installed PV capacity in the Netherlands reached 14.3GW by the end of 2021 . A recent report by the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) states that by 2050, the Netherlands will have 132GW of PV capacity.

solar farm
Solar Power Meets 25% of Netherlands Electricity Demand in August

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