Renewable energy is a hot topic these days. With the world increasingly focused on sustainability, many are looking to renewable energy as the answer to our energy needs. And it's not just environmentalists who champion renewable - even big businesses and governments are getting on board. Read on to find out more about renewable energy.
What is Renewable Energy?
Renewable energy is any form of energy not derived from the extraction, combustion, and use of fossil fuels. Wind, solar power, geothermal, and biomass are renewable sources for electricity generation.
Renewable Energy Could Power the World By 2050: Reports & Facts
The world's energy future is looking greener. The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently released a new report showing that renewable energy could power the world by 2050. It would be a huge shift from today when fossil fuels still dominate.
The global electricity need is expected to reach 45 trillion kilowatt/hours in 2050. Renewable energy has become cheaper than fossil fuels thanks to technological advances like battery storage and better solar panels. But there are still barriers to wider adoption: there aren't enough grid connections for renewables yet, and many countries don't have sufficient tax incentives or regulatory frameworks for its use.
The IEA's world energy outlook 2050 report says that renewables will continue to rise in importance as fossil fuels decline. IEA said that renewables generated about 21 percent of global electricity in 2020. This figure is expected to rise to 42 percent by 2050. "Renewables are now the lowest-cost option for new power generation," it said.
The report said that wind and solar will account for half of all new electricity capacity additions between now and 2050, with hydropower coming in second at a quarter and biofuels third at a quarter.
Which country will use 100% Renewable energy in 2050?
Germany aims to get at least 80% of its energy from renewable sources by 2050. That includes both solar and wind and biomass, geothermal and hydropower.
Solar Power is Growing Faster than Expected
The report stated that solar power generation capacity had grown faster than expected in recent years due to technological advances and government subsidies. The report also said that solar energy could reach about one-third of global electricity production by 2050 if current trends continue. It would mean that there would be enough electricity for everyone on earth.
Wind Turbines Are Also Growing Fast
Wind turbines have also been growing at a rapid pace because of technological advancements and increased competition among manufacturers. Wind turbines have become more efficient over time and now generate more than three times as much power as they did ten years ago. In addition, wind turbine technology continues improving to generate even stronger winds at higher altitudes above ground level.
Renewable energy is a crucial part of the future of energy. Solar, wind, and hydropower have the potential to meet the world's energy needs. By 2050, renewable energy could very well be powering the world.
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