The panda solar power station refers to the power station designed according to the shape of the national treasure panda. On November 20, 2016, the first panda solar power station was launched in Datong, Shanxi Province, covering an area of about 1,500 mu.
Located in Yongsheng Village, Duzhuang Township, Datong County, the project is a green energy demonstration project jointly promoted with the United Nations Development Program.

The Datong Panda solar power Station is a combination of black and white photovoltaic panels. When viewed from above, the black parts of the panda, such as its PAWS and ears, are made of single-crystal silicon solar cells. The white part consists of thin-film solar cells. The power station is built on 1,851 mu of saline-alkali land and generates 80 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually.

The installed capacity of Datong Panda solar power station is 100 MW (1 MW =1000 kW). A 100-megawatt panda solar power station could provide 3.2 billion kilowatt-hours of green electricity over 25 years, equivalent to saving 1,056 million tons of coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 2.74 million tons.
The construction of the first solar power station in Datong region is mainly due to the considerable sunshine intensity and radiation index, large land area and strong plasticity, which meet the conditions for the construction of panda pattern photovoltaic.

The produced green electricity will be widely used in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Shanxi as well as the surrounding areas to effectively reduce air pollution and improve the joint prevention and control effect of air pollution in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Shanxi, which is of great significance to promote the construction of ecological civilization.
In the future, the Panda solar power Station will be promoted along the Belt and Road as a model for global efforts to combat climate change. Moreover, Panda solar Power Station is not only a simple clean energy project, but also a vehicle to spread green ideas to young people around the world. The concept of Panda solar Power Station is to stimulate the interest and investment of young people around the world in sustainable development, so as to become the main force in combating global climate change.

Solar photovoltaic power generation principle
The solar energy shining on some special materials will cause the movement of electrons in the material, forming a potential difference. Solar photovoltaic power generation is based on this principle, using solar cells to directly convert solar energy into electricity.
Photovoltaic effect is used to convert solar radiation energy directly into electric energy, that is, when light shines on the surface of solar cells, part of the photons are absorbed by solar materials, and the photons excite electrons to transition to the conduction band and become free electrons. The result is a potential difference between the different parts of the semiconductor or semiconductor that are bound to the metal.
If you have a voltage, it's like building a dam, and if there's a connection between the two, there's an electric current. The solar photovoltaic power generation process is actually the process of converting photons (light waves) into electrons and light energy into electric energy.
Type of photovoltaic power cell
Photovoltaic cells are divided into crystalline silicon cells and thin film cells. Crystalline silicon solar cells include monocrystalline silicon solar cells, polycrystalline silicon solar cells and amorphous silicon solar cells.

Among them, monocrystalline silicon solar cell is the fastest developed solar cell, its structure and production technology has been finalized, the product has been widely used in space and ground. High-purity monocrystalline silicon rod is the raw material of monocrystalline silicon solar cell, and the silicon purity requirement is 99.999%.
In order to reduce the production cost, now the solar cell applied on the ground adopts solar energy monocrystalline silicon rod, and the material performance index has been relaxed. Some can also use the semiconductor device processing head and tail material and waste secondary monocrystalline silicon material, after repulsing into solar cell special monocrystalline silicon rod.
As the name implies, thin-film cells are made from a thin film into solar cells. At present, there are three kinds of thin-film cells that can be industrialized and large-scale produced: silicon-based thin-film solar cells, copper indium gallium selenium thin-film solar cells (CIGS) and cadmium telluride thin-film solar cells (CdTe).

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